Inspired by Amazon

CCT’s IT experts were greatly inspired by Amazon and its Web Services. – they focus on AI and innovation more than anyone else. 

Chief Technology Officer, Ronny Kvalvågnes and Head of Development, Vinicius Kienen recently participated in one of the world’s major IT conferences, AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas.

Easy to be inspired

– It’s easy to be inspired when we can see, via a conference with 50,000 participants, that CCT is far ahead of the competition in its technological development. Amazon and Amazon Web Services are some of my tech idols, because they’re always searching for new possibilities while other companies cling to outdated business models, says Kvalvågnes.

Our mandate is to lead

Kvalvågnes continues, those of us working on tech development at CCT have a single mandate from management: we must lead the way in development. This means that we have to continuously replace existing models with innovative and efficient technology the moment it becomes feasible. Unlike other companies, we don’t have transition processes because we constantly change while on the move, he says. 

The Amazon of Real Estate

The reason that Kvalvågnes and colleague Kienen are so inspired by Amazon is not just because the company disrupted an outmoded book-selling and technology sector. 

Kvalvågned points out that Amazon never quit innovating. They’re constantly searching for new solutions rather than attempting to hold onto existing ones, and we’re the real estate market’s answer to Amazon. That’s also the reason that ever more real estate chains in various countries want to use our tech to sell properties faster and at higher prices. AI is crucial for identifying the right people in the right channels.

Even newer, even better

Kvalvågnes believes much of the drive of the Dublin-based development team stems from the conviction that everything that is new and better can be replaced by something that is even newer and better.

Kienen comments that when it comes to technological development, there are no days off if you want to create the solutions of the future.

Read more news from CCT

AI-driven advertising has customers queuing up

“We tested AI-driven advertising with cars that hadn’t had much interest. Within just a couple of days, we went from just a few interested parties to a queue of potential buyers. It was quite an experience.”

The numbers speak for themselves!

Martin Fredsgaard Andersen is newly employed as Business Development Manager at CCT Technology in the Danish capital.

CCT extends the agreement with PrivatMegleren

CCT extends the exclusive right PrivatMegleren has in Norway for its AI-based advertising technology.

CCT UK launch partnership with FIA

This month CCT UK launched their partnership with the Federation of Independent Agents (FIA)

Breaking news

Without women, the UK housing market would collaps. This is shown through statistics from CCT’s technology who is world leading in digital housing ads.

Record for intelligent advertisements

Norwegian company CCT Technology distributed 2,343,500 digital property advertisements in March

Mumbai here we come

India real estate pilot’s Norwegian ad technology

Finland here we come

CCT set to revolutionise the Finnish housing market

Revolutionary property advertising in Finland

CCT technology tracks down potential buyers across multiple channels, ensuring that vendors achieve maximum interest and the highest price possible.

Our Window on the World

CCT Technology refines the way you sell your property. Now the largest real estate agencies in Scandinavia, the UK and USA use this solution. Finland and India will be the next countries to disrupt the market with the help of CCT Technology.